1. 10 Tips for Better Content Marketing

    Content marketing involves creating and distributing relevant content for the purpose of engaging a targeted audience in order to achieve business goals. Although it can be time-consuming, it’s well worth the effort. Content marketing can improve brand recognition, trust, authority, credibility, loyalty and authenticity, which will ultimately help your...
  2. Determining the Value of Paid, Earned and Owned Media

    As a small business owner, how can you measure the performance and return on investment of your combined paid, earned, and owned media channels? As this blog post from Fast Company explains, the most effective digital communication plans seamlessly integrate content across paid, earned, and owned media...
  3. Let Customers Find You With Inbound Content Marketing

    As traditional outbound marketing gives way to inbound content marketing, it is increasingly important to foster a mindset of putting customers first and delivering value. If you consistently offer interesting and useful content, people will notice you and come back again and again. By growing and engaging your...
  4. What Social Media Marketing Can Do For You: LinkedIn

    You have heard that “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”  While not a very accurate blanket statement, it certainly has a certain ring of truth with regard to business and marketing.  Social media is a highly effective tool to use in networking, creating those connections which...
  5. Internet Ad Revenues Up 23% to $15 Billion in First-Half 2011, Q2 2011 Breaks Record Again

    Internet advertising revenues increased by 23.2% to a record $14.9 billion in the first half of 2011, according to a report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The rate of growth more than doubled year-over-year, as last year’s first-half ad revenues of $12.1 billion had represented an...


Accendo Digital Inbound Content Marketing is a Denver-based online marketing firm that helps companies build out their web presence, engage audiences, and generate revenue. Learn more about how we can help you…

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