Developing a Persona Through Small Business Online Marketing

As the owner of a small business you have become your own best customer. Think about it- who else would know more about what you do than you? Bearing that in mind, think like the customer that you want to attract. What would you look for in a company specializing in your product?

Now this is not to say that you are a specialist in small business online marketing. But what you are is a specialist in knowing what will spark interest in your clientele. Consider what you know about your future client- they obviously have an interest in or use for your knowledge or what you are selling. The range of interest may be wide…

  • Build Your Web Presence – A novice seeking the advice or guidance of professionals will gravitate toward a company who can speak on their level. A potential client wants to know that they are respected and will not be ‘talked down to’ while they are learning about the product or service.
  • Engage Your Audience – A person with some experience and knowledge on the topic will appreciate a kinship with your company. Speak to the potential client with the idea that you will add to their existing ideas about what your company does or the service you can provide, and that you will be able to fulfill their needs.
  • Convert Customers – Now that you have created a link with the consumer, make them feel as if you are the best possible solution to their need. You have at this point (if done properly) made them feel connected to you, not just your product or service!

You know what the client needs and is looking for…but are you a professional WordPress website designer? Or a whiz at marketing? Probably not- and you shouldn’t have to be! You chose your small business specialty because it is what you do best. You should trust your small business online marketing to someone who is just as passionate and focused on their business as you are on yours. Consider this:

How would I ‘look for myself’ online? The client will ask himself this same question when beginning their online search- make yourself easily accessible.

What would I tell myself? Give the client this same information to build rapport.

How would I use the information? Provide the client with the knowledge that you would want to have.

What would make me loyal? You know best! Now tell the client.

You know that you need a partner to make the most of your marketing, so utilize a small business online marketing expert who can make you look good! You want a professional marketing company who can optimize your website and maximize your social media, email, and website capabilities. contact us to begin reaching your next client…

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