Solid Plan Will Drive Digital Marketing

Developing an effective digital marketing strategy has become a sort of Holy Grail for business at all levels and of all types. Business operators from the handyman working out of his van to the CEOs of global corporations are now talking about online marketing.

Right now, two of the hot topics in digital marketing are content marketing and video marketing. These are two peas growing in the same pod.

Online business entrepreneur Paul Wolfe recently noted on his blog:

“Video and Content Marketing are two topics that – separately – are hot in 2012, and only going to get hotter as they get bigger. … What’s strange is that there are relatively few blog posts or articles or videos where the two topics are discussed together.  And that’s strange because video should not only be a natural part of any Content Marketing strategy, but also it has several distinct advantages over the kind of content that most content marketers use (which is written content).”

That observation is revealing not only about the relationship of video to content in online marketing, but also about how some people approach digital marketing. They look at the various elements separately instead of as a cohesive unit.

The point of marketing is to get your story out to people, get people to react to your story and drive some action from that connection. What confuses many is the diversity of the market and the multitude of channels that can be used to reach each.

The way to eliminate the confusion and focus on the story is to develop a comprehensive marketing plan. With a strong plan in hand, choosing channels appropriate to the targeted audience or any segment of that audience is going to be easier and the story you tell will remain consistent.

Think about your marketing efforts. Are you consistently telling the same story? Is your content easily adaptable to different communications channels? Are your articles, website text and videos working in unison?

If they aren’t, it would be a good time to start developing a marketing plan that better tells your story and has the flexibility you need to get the job done.

We would be happy to help you assess your marketing objectives and show you how we can make your plan work. Contact us, we’d love to hear your story.

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Accendo Digital Inbound Content Marketing is a Denver-based online marketing firm that helps companies build out their web presence, engage audiences, and generate revenue. Learn more about how we can help you…

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