Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

Consumers look to the Internet to find information about a product or service every day. The Web has changed the approach businesses take in regards to marketing. Many companies are switching to an inbound marketing approach to build their business. You no longer need to rely on outbound marketing techniques that are much less effective today.

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing, or inbound content marketing, relies on generating quality content for consumers to find. The idea is to inform without overtly selling. This helps to show you are a qualified expert in your industry and builds the trust factor that is so necessary when it comes to selling anything online.

Remember that creating quality content that is relevant to your readers is the most important aspect when it comes to generating a successful inbound marketing plan. New information and fresh content are always helpful. Do your research to determine what they are looking for and the language they use.

Inbound marketing strategies include:

  • Content marketing, such as blogging
  • Social media networks, such as Facebook and Google Plus
  • Audio podcasts
  • Informational videos
  • White papers, reports and eBooks
  • Infographics

What is outbound marketing?

Outbound marketing depends on traditional advertising means. This is an approach that puts your advertising message in front of people who generally are not looking for your product or services. It generally has a wider reach, but this is not always a good thing.

You are paying for people to see your ad and you want to have high conversion rates. If you are paying for a billboard advertisement next to a local freeway hundreds of people will probably see your ad every day. However, if this is an ad geared towards women your conversion rates already decreased by up to half. That ad might do better in a magazine for women. These are some of the considerations you need to be aware of regarding this type of marketing.

Outbound marketing strategies include:

  • Television ads
  • Radio ads
  • Banner ads
  • Print ads, such as newspapers and magazines
  • Cold calling
  • Trade shows
  • Direct mail

Conclusion: Concentrate on Inbound Marketing

Businesses benefit from using inbound and outbound marketing techniques in their marketing approach. While both methods have their advantages, the world is changing and inbound marketing is the preferred route. Inbound marketing is the newest approach and people are more receptive. It’s not uncommon for society to ignore traditional advertisements as people do not like being sold to.

Outbound marketing isn’t working as well as it used to and businesses need to begin inbound techniques today. The more quality content you have the better your results. Remember to provide valuable content that will educate or entertain your readers. Communication should be a two-way street. You want to openly communicate with your readers in any comments generated with your content. As with all marketing you will need to find the method that works for you.

For more information, please contact us.

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Accendo Digital Inbound Content Marketing is a Denver-based online marketing firm that helps companies build out their web presence, engage audiences, and generate revenue. Learn more about how we can help you…

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