Strategic Plan Crucial for Inbound Marketing

In its “2012 Search Marketing Benchmark Report – SEO Edition,” Marketingsherpa notes that there is a growing shift to inbound marketing efforts, but questions the lack of strategic planning associated with many of those efforts.

In a preliminary release on the 2012 report, which just came out, the trend toward driving website traffic with richer content using blogs, videos, webinars and more effective SEO tactics is lauded by the researchers. The focus on more immediate goals, including more immediate ROI, is questioned.

“(Many organizations) know to achieve good organic rankings and ensure that their products and services are found across all formats and venues. To do this, they have to be strategic with their planning and processes, and savvy with the creation and optimization of all digital assets,” the report says.

Digital marketing is continuing to evolve and develop. One of the primary drivers of the future is going to be social media. Business owners who want to stay abreast of the quickly shifting social media wave need to have a solid base for their digital marketing efforts and develop a plan that targets their goals and objectives, while allowing maximum flexibility.

There is nothing static about digital marketing. The users are demanding and what they wanted yesterday is boring tomorrow. The key to success in this unbridled environment is developing deeper, more personal relationships with users and focusing on quality content is crucial. Chasing page rankings, leaping on new bandwagons and operating a digital marketing campaign on the whims of today’s trend is not going to bring consistent success.

Businesses investing heavily in their digital marketing campaigns must do all they can to make sure those dollars are spent wisely and that they are spent effectively. Planning and strategic decision making are the tools needed to accomplish that goals.

That is where we can help. Is your digital marketing plan suffering from the lack of solid planning? Contact us to discuss the possibilities with a Certified Inbound Marketing Professional.

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